Hints & Tips
What is the big deal with HVAC filters? Does it really make a difference? We all know to replace them but why? We’re glad you asked…
First, it cleans the air. Ok that was obvious. Clean air helps keep your family healthy. It is better to breath, contains less allergens & reduces how often we need to dust!
Second, new filters make it easier for your HVAC system to move air. This in turn saves you money, as the system does not have to fight or pull as hard to get air through a dirty filter. Experts say that it can save up to 15% of heating & cooling costs.
Third, better airflow means you will feel the air moving! You will enjoy having central air instead of wondering if the system is even on.
Fourth, keeping clean filters protects your HVAC system. If the filter is excessively dirty then air starts to bypass the filter and the air handler is no longer protected. This means dirt, pet hair & allergens get lodged into the unit.
Lets Replace
Find your filter. The most common location for it is in the air handler or in the hallway’s ceiling or wall. It is important to ensure that filters are either in the air handler or hallway but not both. We don’t want air traveling through filters twice because this strains your equipment.
Once you have located it, write down the size & get a new one! Your local home supply store will likely carry the size you need, if they don’t you can buy anything online.
When replacing the filter, make sure the system is off. Place the filter with the arrow pointing towards the unit. This indicates the direction of the airflow.
Bonus Tip- Write the date on the filter so you will know when it was replaced last.
Next step
We sincerely hope this article is helpful & informative. If you have questions regarding your home & would like more specific information we do provide HVAC inspections. If you suspect repairs are needed please see the Contractor Page for resources.
Summer VS Foundation
Why do we water our foundations in DFW? What does that even mean? Are we trying to grow it & keep it healthy like a plant? If you think about it, its a little funny. We don't water sidewalks, driveways or just about any other chunk of concrete. So why water our foundations?
We aren't really watering our foundation, we water the soil around the foundation. The soil needs to stay near the foundation to support it & prevent movement & cracks in the walls.
Clay Soil
Here, in the heart of Texas, our soil is jam packed with clay. This clay has the ability to expand as it soaks up water & contract as it dries out. Some experts say it has the ability to move up to 10% during seasonal expansion & contraction. Contrast that with rock. Does a rock get bigger when placed in a bowl of water? Clay is different, but that doesn't mean its bad. We can actually use the expansion aspect of clay to our benefit.
The clay in the soil will expand during the spring rains, causing the ground to push up against the foundation. It is full of moisture & supporting the weight of the house. All we need to do is maintain this moisture during the summer. Sprinkler systems or soaker hoses that automatically turn on & off do this for us. We'll get more into that in just a bit.
Summer vs foundation, the reason we use that title is because during our Texas summers the heat & lack of rain can negatively affect our foundations. As the clay dries it releases moisture & will begin to shrink. As it shrinks it pulls away from the foundation. Dry grass, cracks on the surface of the soil, also gaps between the soil & foundation wall are all signs that clay is in contraction, this is not good. As the soil pulls away from the house, the foundation will start to move.
Do you know what the purpose of the foundation is? Most everyone will say "To support the weight of the house." That's really close, it actually transfers the weight of the house to the ground. As the soil pulls away from the house, the foundation's reaction is to just follow suit & move with the soil in order to continue the transferring of weight. As the foundation shifts so does everything on top of it, also known as your home.
Practice makes perfect, same goes for home building. Methods & technology to resist & minimize this movement have been developed. There is a wealth of information on the subject online. If you're interested a quick link is here.
How do we keep our clay soil near the foundation? How do we keep the clay in expansion mode? Sprinklers & soaker hoses are great ways to accomplish this.
Sprinklers are able to distribute water around foundations fairly evenly & quickly. It is important to inspect the heads every 2-3 months to ensure they're operational & providing proper coverage. Sprinkler heads should not be aimed at the house, rather away from it. The majority of water should be landing in a strip of soil about 6 inches away from foundation that is 12-18 inches wide. It is also important to regulate the amount of water based on the season. Meaning if we are having a rainy spring, it may be beneficial to shut off the sprinkler system all together. Its also important to taper watering up until the peak of the summer heat & then taper down during the fall. Again the goal is maintaining consistent moisture to prevent movement.
Soaker hoses do the same thing, just without all the visual pizzazz! That's right, we just used that word! The hoses should be placed 12-18 inches away from the house. Similar to the sprinkler system their run time should steadily increase until the peak of summer & taper down in the fall. Also a visual inspection of the hoses is important every 2-3 months to ensure they are in good working condition. The hoses can become brittle & crack in the summer heat.
Run times will vary depending on your particular house & soil. In general, soaker hoses take longer because they do not distribute water as quickly as sprinkler systems.
Bonus tip- Watering early in the morning far away from the heat of the day is beneficial. This will allow the majority of the water to be absorbed & not evaporate away.
Next Step
We sincerely hope this article is helpful & informative. If you have questions regarding your home & would like more specific information we do provide foundation inspections. We also have contacts that can assist if you suspect repairs are needed.